
Importance Of Email Signatures In A Marketing Strategy

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In the aftermath of multiple lockdowns, email remains one of the most common ways in which companies communicate with their customers. Just as a billboard is placed on the busiest roads, email signatures make use of prime heavy-traffic real estate.

A strong, well-rounded marketing strategy never just focuses on one channel, it’s a collection of material and messaging delivered via as many channels as possible (if not all of them). Ie. Social Media platforms, Traditional Marketing, Email Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Search Engine Marketing etc…
Then, taking into considering the average attention span of a consumer being 8 seconds, it makes sense to utilise all spaces to build an overall impression – and to do this at every chance you get.

Adding Email Signature Marketing into your strategy is an easy way to utilise that empty real-estate we mentioned earlier, and really add an extra layer to your marketing strategy. You can add links in your signatures to help customers find the channel or material that works best for them. You can even have dynamic banners in place, supporting multiple campaigns at once time.

The more accessible a company is, the more opportunities they have, to gain customer attention and create brand awareness.

Email signatures don\’t just serve as marketing tools; they can also remind customers who you are and what you stand for. Do you want to let everyone know you are an eco-friendly organisation? A banner can do that for you. Do you want to let everyone know your office has moved? Sure, add a banner for that. Does your organisation support a cause, and you want to help raise awareness? You guessed it, add a banner. These aren\’t always directly related to a marketing strategy, but they certainly do help aligning your brand.

In our online world where information is everywhere, the aim of a solid, strong marketing strategy is to cut through that noise. Expand your use of email signatures to gain the attention of your audience, provide instant answers and keep returning customers up to date.

Read more about how our email signatures can round out your marketing strategy.




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